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The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, first published more than 30 years ago, is a landmark text with a legacy of sound scholarship, expert knowledge, and effective pedagogy. Thoroughly revised and featuring new authors and content, the seventh edition raises the bar, adding age-related, cultural, societal, and population considerations in the practice of psychiatry to the authoritative text that generations of students, residents, and clinicians have heretofore relied upon. The book first focuses on foundational knowledge, with chapters on psychiatric interviewing, diagnostic formulation, developmental assessment, laboratory testing and neuroimaging, and ethical and legal aspects of clinical psychiatry, and then proceeds to a full presentation of psychiatric disorders in alignment with DSM-5. The third section offers an overview of treatment strategies and methods in present-day psychiatry, a combination of evidence-based biological interventions and psychotherapies, and gives a clear sense of exciting new directions in psychiatric therapeutics. The final section of the textbook is focused on the care of special patient populations, including women; children and adolescents; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals; older adults; and culturally diverse individuals.

Many topics are new to this volume, including the following:Suicide risk assessment, a critically important subject, is addressed in a new chapter that provides the reader with up-to-date knowledge needed to conduct a thorough, attuned, and accurate psychiatric interview in line with best practices.A new chapter on the social determinants of mental health has been added, reflecting an increased emphasis on populations whose specific concerns have been historically underappreciated in American psychiatry, and illuminating factors that influence mental health needs and barriers to care in specific patient populations.Precision psychiatry, an integrative approach that pulls together the scientific foundation of the discipline and recent technological advances and directs them toward closing the gap between discovery and clinical translation, is explored in a new chapter.E-health strategies in mental health have become increasingly available to psychiatrists and other health professionals, especially in the mobile and monitoring spheres. A new chapter offers insights into these intriguing new options for delivering treatment.A chapter on complementary and integrative therapies explores the integration of conventional medicine with alternative treatments for which there is an evidence base, providing an overview of nutrients, phytomedicines, hormones, mind–body practices, and electromagnetic treatments.

With features such as key clinical points and recommended readings for further study, The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry is a comprehensive course book, an indispensable reference, and the ultimate resource for clinical care.


For all mental health practitioners, all medical practitioners concerned with behavioral health and its integration into holistic care, and for consumers of mental health services, the seventh edition of APA Publishing's Textbook of Psychiatry is an indispensable tool and reference to inform practice, life-long learning, and shared decision- making. Comprehensive in scope, this volume reflects admirably the enormous breadth of psychiatric, neuropsychiatric, and behavioral sciences that have continued to evolve. The Textbook of Psychiatry bridges contemporary scientific streams and practice in a balanced and forward-looking way that is rarely achieved. Praise is due to the senior editor, Laura Roberts, for the vision she has brought to this undertaking, fully in keeping with, and furthering, the scholarly tradition launched by the inaugural editors, Robert Hales and Stuart Yudofsky. The volume reminds us all how fortunate we are to have so many authors that represent our profession at its best—as clinicians, educators, and researchers.—Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and UPMC Endowed Professor in Geriatric Psychiatry emeritus, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine


The field of psychiatry, like all of medicine, is deepening in knowledge and skills and broadening in its ability to reach suffering patients. It can be challenging for practitioners to keep up. Yet ongoing practitioner education is critical to our patients and our ability to work together. APA Publishing's textbook has always provided one of the most useful and efficient ways for practicing clinicians to stay abreast of important developments in psychiatric thinking and practice. This textbook is also an important way for those in our sister mental health professions to understand the psychiatric profession as we work with them (in the words of editor-in-chief Laura Roberts) 'shoulder to shoulder'. It is increasingly evident that optimal behavioral health is critically important for physical as well as psychological and social functioning. This textbook should play a central role in guiding all mental health professionals as they seek to follow the wisdom of writer Maya Angelou, 'Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.' The editor and authors of this textbook show us how we can do better.—M. Katherine Shear M.D., Marion E. Kenworthy Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University School of Social Work, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Director, Center for Complicated Grief


In this outstanding new seventh edition of the American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry, Laura Roberts has brought together many of the field's luminaries to provide students and practitioners in all branches of the mental health professions the best currently available single volume textbook spanning the entire field. Covering the broad scope of our rapidly changing scientific and clinical domains, following the tradition of its esteemed predecessors, the chapters in this edition offer novices and experts the most contemporary perspectives, frameworks and evidence necessary to assure intellectual mastery and best clinical practices.—Joel Yager, M.D., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA


The field of psychiatry is large; it contains multitudesdisorders, comorbidities, symptoms, approaches, techniques, talk, relationship and learning therapies, devices, drugs, and nutritional and well-being approaches. It is beyond daunting to aspire to be a fully informed generalist, to receive all of its evidence, wisdom and art. Thus, we still count on foundational resources to embrace it all, whether so we might learn comprehensively or plug a gap in expertise. This is the place for such a volume. The editor and chapter authors have delivered on that need. Many chapters deserve particular recognition for excellent historical and current perspectives and addressing controversy, and just for example, a shout-out to Burke and Kraemer for a wonderful exegesis of our complicated classification history and challenges. I had been a skeptic of the place of textbooks in a world of web resources and rapidly evolving science. But this volume really is a treasure.—Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, M.D., Chief of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Stanley Cobb Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

The American Psychiatric Association Publishing Textbook of Psychiatry 7th Ed

$184.13 Regular Price
$92.37Sale Price
    • Categories:Medicine
    • Year:2019
    • Edition:7th Edition
    • Publisher:American Psychiatric Publishing, Incorporated
    • Language:english
    • ISBN 10:1615372563
    • ISBN 13:9781615372560
    • File:EPUB, 24.17 MB
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